Wednesday 2 August 2017

The General Consensus.

I feel like I’m here but I’m not
I gain one but lose another
My mind can’t take it, but to them ‘I’m just being depressing.’
NEWS fucking flash
I’ve been depressed, 
Now, for a long ass time.
I’m finally beginning to own up to what I know
And my world crumbles,

I thought I could hack being a Godfather to your situation
But I can’t even hack myself, 
everything with a grain of salt I guess.

I wake up every morning saying I hope I don’t kill myself.
It’s the only words of affirmation that keeps me going,
I go to sleep every night thinking about how I survived my thoughts
I’ve given up on prayer, because a cycle of hurt is exactly that.
Hoping someone else will intervene, when at the end of the day,
The only person looking at you in the mirror is you.

My confidence doesn’t come from an arrogant place,
My confidence doesn’t come from fear of failure, 

My confidence comes from a place of fear.
I fear my own mind.
I fear my capabilities.
I give, and accept nothing in return,

Well that’s until I need to live.
That’s until my thoughts and my perspective
collides with that of the general consensus.

Where am I right now¿

My focus & my dreams are great but simple 
I want to live free

But how can that be possible when trapped in your own mind¿