Friday 26 January 2018

Jus wanna ****

What happens, 
What happens after you’ve been physically drained
Physically starved
Too used to pain
Too used to cold rain
Too comfortable with mediocre 

I guess I just wanna Love with no restrictions
But how can I when I only know rejection
Whether it comes from outside or in

I ain’t trying anymore
I keep saying that and landing in a ditch
So I blind myself
Plucked my eye out so I couldn’t see your soul
So I couldn’t hear your heart cry
to silence my own

I just wanna love

But perceptions were too primitive
For comprehension 
Maybe in younger light I may be able to see better
But will these new sights
Overwhelm me beyond my expectation,
Is it that I must search for the positive in it all 
simply accept these hot coals under my feet as truth
That I myself chose
A truth
That my eye failed to uncover when it was needed most

Im just here trying to make sense of it all

But I feel like that’s costing me my sanity

I feel like knowledge is fucking lonely

We all want to feel love.

Only a few want to know love.

Please explain the difference between Love & God

Too Quick to capitalise that g 
You miss how they capitalise 
On your yearning for knowledge

An infinite prospect 9


Swingin’ a miss,
How the fuck did I get here¿
Swinging with no connection,

The dial tone is deafening 
my ear,
but here I am still screaming 
down the line.

If I believed in destiny 
I’d tell you that
you were mine,
but you don’t see it that way
You don’t show it that way.

I’m here trying to crack a code 
With a password thats easier than 123
But the doors are sealed shut.

Waiting to create moments
where you briefly peep through the hole,
I’m trying to catch you off guard.

I can’t protect you

but I’d learn  to fly just so I can catch you,
I’d rather die then have em take you.

The toughest battle is within me.
If I’m ready to give up so much, 
Ascend so quick,
Then I gotta prepare for a hard fall.

I feel like a dickhead for not being able
To tell you how I feel,

Maybe It’s because I see more value than jus a beat,
More value than jus what I want or need.

My desires towards you  
frail in comparison 
To my desire to see you win.
So I shut myself out
Just to keep shit running smooth

I cower into space,
coz maybe a touch would be too much.
Maybe too long a hug 
would hold too much weight.

I could jus say I jus wanna fuck
But thats an understatement.

I want to pleasure you,
Or at least try.
In so many more ways than one.

Not for any other reason
Other than you deserve it
& im hungry…

Or thirsty. 

Spoke about how 
You would rather put niggas to the ‘test,’
Well, if there’s a better time to submit my application, 
I guess it would be now.

How can I tell you to use me
& tell you I want to be inside you 
at the same time¿


Whether you want it or not, 
I don’t want much to change between us.
