Saturday 8 December 2018


I stuck to my guns for the first time
It's Ironic that the bullets that I used were not mine

Rather; it came from the victims mouth.
I wish it was normal for me to fight
Then maybe I'd be able to manoeuvre this battle of sound

Who's got the last word
Who's not listening 
What did you last learn
When is this finishing

My mind isn't built to constantly 
Burn in this Rotisserie 
Maybe I'm thinking lucid
Maybe it's been approached viciously 

Whatever it is,
I've reached my limit.
Whatever it is
I think it's finished
Whatever is is
I don't want it

I wanna be calm,
I wanna be high
I wanna be fine

But somehow, I'm always this,
I'm always that
I gotta do this
I gotta do that,

I am who I am for a reason
And that reason cannot
Be Changed.
Who I wanna be
And who you want are two different people

If you want a different person
Then why fight for something else?

I wish for peace
I won't back down this time, I need peace of my own mind
I need to be in a new space
Because this one, is a painful one
I don't want to deal with rejection every time there's a misunderstanding 
I prefer to only deal with rejection once,
I want peace of mind
I want peace of mind 
I want peace of mind
I want peace of mind, 
I just for once want to do something that isn't wrong
I'm tired of being people's punching bag
I want peace of mind

I'm so tired of fighting people,
You don't understand
I'm so tired,
I feel like my head is going to explode.

I just ask why?
I wish I knew why 
Am I just a magnet for this shit?

I want to cry but I can't right now
I'm angry I keep shedding tears for the same fucking situations
I just want for there to be peace
In me

Even if the whole world wants to step on my toes in unison
I wish for a straight face, 

I wish I didn't have to fight so hard
Not even to be understood, but simply to find peace

I wish peace was like fast food

"Boss.... BOSS how much for 3 peice tranquillity And a side of silence?"

Starving physically
Climbing out of this monetary hole
And being shamed back in

Maybe I did flop
Maybe I didn't give enough

Maybe I'm just lost
Maybe I can't do this,
All I know is
Each time,
Each time we go through this, 
My mind doesn't want to

Almost feels like my head has been overloaded with unwanted fluid

I don't know what to do

I want love, but I want me more.

I want peace of mind

Monday 27 August 2018

Tolerance - (freewrite)

Too many excuses for love
No one listening to sides
We're both envisioning 
Buried in emotions
You sigh, when I say I'm listening 
I don't want you to let go
But still you're finishing the story
Before we even begin
And I'm just stuck with my pen
The way it's always began

Who'd ever thought that
Wanting to be all alone was such a scary thing 
Wanting to be with you was a motive I did not prepare

Willing to give everything so quickly 
But run empty, when the universe is taking it back 
Like what the fuck
I want my life back

I want the times I gave up loving for my life back
Coz clearly minds are shuffling 
And it's everyday I'm out here hustling 
to make this dream reality 
That makes my insecurities look like vanity personified 

I grew tired of the term insanity 
As if my identity was made whole when 
I thought you came to take hold
Of my wholeness 
I now only perceived half

Is that all I'm worth
Is that all I am

Make me question all the reasons for me even wanting 
Make me wonder why you're here in the first place
If my fear is your doubt
Then what are we doing ¿

If my words are your targets 
Then aim for my mouth 
Aim for me
Seems as though I'm only worth something to you when there's only joy

Seems as though my heart means nothing to you so long as your heart is content

Does that mean I'm not the selfish one?

What does that mean

You do everything you don't want me to do,

& I'm kinda tired

I'm just try a figure me out
Tell me how I do that if all I get is your fears
Tell me how if all I'm getting is assumptions 

I just want to get out of this space you're calling bottom 
I just wanna be out of the way 
So you can hold on yourself

Coz clearly
Individuality is over promising
When everything you want 
Is beyond expectation

My heart is numb
And you want me to fix yours
That's impossible 
My mind wonders to 
But if I can't share my feelings 
Then it's just never enough 
And that simply not enough for me

That's just simply not enough for me

I want more than a hand to hold
I want more that you're hand outs
I want more than your fighting tone
I want more than your empty threats 

I want my own
I want me more than anything 
And if that makes me selfish in your eyes then fuck you
If that makes me empty , then I don't mind, fuck you.

I will never give my soul
To the devil 
If he knew my insides better than me
And if he wanted a better insight into me
I'd say focus on the b side of all of this shit.

I'm tired of the hurting

I'm tired of the empty threats

You say you'd never hurt me
But never say never
You can't even look me in the eye
But I guess that's whatever 

I'm just tired of trying and trying 
But shit never getting any better
You won't ever get my tears
But you gather they go unheard 
Like I'm running from my issues
Even though we both know why that do

You just don't want me to move on
Or you're too hurt to move on
Either way

I'm too tired of the pain to let me
Choose wrong

I'm just tryna make a gain
But they won't do wrong
I'm to tired of the pain
I'm too tired of the pain
I'm just fed up with the pain
But somehow 
I'm the same as everything you've ever had before, 
I'm fucking tired
Of the same shit
Every time 

Why you always pick the same shit every time 
I just wanna see some changes every now and then
I just wanna see the phases change the tide
I just wanna hear some praises going high
Up, like we don't know what we're doing

Yet I'm blamed for what you're doing
Even though you take a piece of me 
And show me how you use it

It still catches me
Out of my comfort zone
I'm just tolerating 

I just want to be the ride that's in front of me
I just want to feel alive
Like we wanna be
I just rather you be mad
Then you take from me

Coz why am I giving if you're love is on loan
Why am I living if you're tolerance is on hold
Why do I try
If my effort isn't good enough 


Do I even want this anymore

I just keep questioning 

The more doubt seed planted in my head
The more I see that you're in my head
Coz I can't take this red
Emotion that I'm feeling, 
I can't fucking take it.

Thursday 24 May 2018

People Secretly Love Pain

been a while
Just here to drop my thoughts on y'all because if I don't I'll go crazy... 

I'm fucking tired & I can't deal, and not wanting to give up is making me more tired (lol so fucked.)

I just want peace, but it seems as though life doesn't give a fuck.
I'm doing everything I ever wanted, but slowly realised this year that none of that means shit if your mind ain't doing right by you.

I'm living from moment to moment, I'm literally on the path I need to be on and I can fucking see the light at the end of the tunnel.. but I just shut down, I just shut down.

I don't have the energy to push forward regardless, I don't have the energy to carry all this baggage & then hold on to the baggage around me, & of course the obvious answer would be to let go of it all, but it's difficult, it's so hard for me to see my friends go through shit and not attempt to help, all to to the detriment of my own peace of mind; unbeknownst to me. 

I feel like I'm battling with memories daily, people recently have been trying to 'help,' but their version of helping is full of unwanted sympathies stemming off of generalisations on what it is to be actively going through depression.

Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful that I am now in a place where I have people around who are always willing to give (advice etc) whenever they assume I'm feeling down.

but what most people fail to realise, and sometimes even for themselves, all people want is just an ear. All people are begging for is to just be heard, you don't even need to say anything lol,

but you know, it's almost human nature to wanna get involved in everything nowadays, & I think it's coz we're all fucking addicts to pain.

we all want to hear about pain, pain from others and our own, with TV shows and social media ravelling and profiting off of that fact. took me a while to really understand, in fact I'm still trying to understand, why?
why do we do that?
what is I about pain, that draws us?what is it about suffering that makes us want to be there
and if the answer is that we as a species are just helpful, then why isn't the same energy reciprocated into happiness & people's successes?
Why do we dwell on our shit?

Maybe I'm just questioning myself, I don't know,
Im vex and confused, I want to give up but there's really no point now, I wouldn't be doing anyone but myself a favour and that's only if hell isn't real lol.
I don't know,  

I don't think this one made as much sense as my other ones.

Saturday 24 February 2018

Depression Live (video)

Niggas don't like me coz I'm nomadic
frightening how they don't have it
unlike me they don't go at it
timing is my new fabric
blind me if I'm lying
bar me then I'm silent

then you see a light cruising at an altitude that you can't touch
you can't watch

whining is your new habit but
lighting never reached the cabin
ask if you don't know what I mean

d'you know what I mean¿

funny how the people put it
funny how the people dance dance till they see the cross...

cross if you lose the logic
you walk to slow to manage
your feelings gave you baggage
now you're too deep to hack it
(Trips on the drum mic)
too deep to hack it.


where's all the love gone¿
where's all the feeling when the meaning gets intoxicated
fake memories
remembering anticipating

you let her in; then that's one more
shit! don't make it bait
just let her wait
let her.

reminiscing is devastating (I can't go back)
if I smell hate I can never take it

don't tell me you don't want me
or was this all a lie
you know my feelings [are]half full
but my mind's empty

I get a meeting half done
then my mind wonders
tell her meet me half one
then I drop at nine

never on time,
nigga I'm past it.

tell me don't fly
maybe you didn't see these wings on my back
how come o one ever sees these wings on my back

if I'm looking to jump I'm gonna jump
they don't tell you fuck al so whats the point
I do my shit coz I don't care
the haters get air
where's the love when they all want you to be someone else

if I'm looking to jump I'm gonna jump
they don't tell you fuck al so whats the point
I do my shit coz I don't care
the haters get air
where's the love when they all want you to be someone else

Friday 16 February 2018

I Hope

Re-opening old wounds 
When you’ve spent time forgetting about it is the worst
I just want peace of mind,
I just want peace.

I need to be freed from the trap, years of depression has played on my heart
But I can’t fucking do it,

It hurts too much
It hurts way too much

And no one understands.

The story now too broad to tell
The memories entrapped in a crippling fear
Tears run down as I proceed to insert the key to free myself…

I can’t do it.

Why can’t I fucking do it?

It feels as though I’ve tried it all

It feels as though there’s no hope

Or maybe not that there’s no hope

But hope is teasing me
Every single fucking time I get too comfortable

Every single time I get fucking hopeful , even for myself

Life happens, 
Everything falls to shit
I loose sleep
My mind travels to the deepest parts of my insecurities

I feel so lost
But hopeful 
& hopeless
All at the same time

I want to give up every time I get to this point 
Then I go through my ‘positivity routine’

“Maybe this thing will work”
I say to myself 

“Don’t give up this easy man”

But then the second voice is always battling back

Kinda like the little angel & devil on the shoulder, like you’d see in cartoons

This shit’s fucked

But I’m keeping myself in it because I made something for me to live for

I just hope that the desire to stay on top of my passion 
Continues to outmatch my desire to give up.

I Hope.

Friday 26 January 2018

Jus wanna ****

What happens, 
What happens after you’ve been physically drained
Physically starved
Too used to pain
Too used to cold rain
Too comfortable with mediocre 

I guess I just wanna Love with no restrictions
But how can I when I only know rejection
Whether it comes from outside or in

I ain’t trying anymore
I keep saying that and landing in a ditch
So I blind myself
Plucked my eye out so I couldn’t see your soul
So I couldn’t hear your heart cry
to silence my own

I just wanna love

But perceptions were too primitive
For comprehension 
Maybe in younger light I may be able to see better
But will these new sights
Overwhelm me beyond my expectation,
Is it that I must search for the positive in it all 
simply accept these hot coals under my feet as truth
That I myself chose
A truth
That my eye failed to uncover when it was needed most

Im just here trying to make sense of it all

But I feel like that’s costing me my sanity

I feel like knowledge is fucking lonely

We all want to feel love.

Only a few want to know love.

Please explain the difference between Love & God

Too Quick to capitalise that g 
You miss how they capitalise 
On your yearning for knowledge

An infinite prospect 9


Swingin’ a miss,
How the fuck did I get here¿
Swinging with no connection,

The dial tone is deafening 
my ear,
but here I am still screaming 
down the line.

If I believed in destiny 
I’d tell you that
you were mine,
but you don’t see it that way
You don’t show it that way.

I’m here trying to crack a code 
With a password thats easier than 123
But the doors are sealed shut.

Waiting to create moments
where you briefly peep through the hole,
I’m trying to catch you off guard.

I can’t protect you

but I’d learn  to fly just so I can catch you,
I’d rather die then have em take you.

The toughest battle is within me.
If I’m ready to give up so much, 
Ascend so quick,
Then I gotta prepare for a hard fall.

I feel like a dickhead for not being able
To tell you how I feel,

Maybe It’s because I see more value than jus a beat,
More value than jus what I want or need.

My desires towards you  
frail in comparison 
To my desire to see you win.
So I shut myself out
Just to keep shit running smooth

I cower into space,
coz maybe a touch would be too much.
Maybe too long a hug 
would hold too much weight.

I could jus say I jus wanna fuck
But thats an understatement.

I want to pleasure you,
Or at least try.
In so many more ways than one.

Not for any other reason
Other than you deserve it
& im hungry…

Or thirsty. 

Spoke about how 
You would rather put niggas to the ‘test,’
Well, if there’s a better time to submit my application, 
I guess it would be now.

How can I tell you to use me
& tell you I want to be inside you 
at the same time¿


Whether you want it or not, 
I don’t want much to change between us.
